There are two things that we envy Hindu women: gorgeous hair and dark complexion. Actually, we can add perfectly shaped eyebrows to this list, too. Without doubt, Hindu women gave us the inspiration concerning an alternative method of defining eyebrows due to a thin thread. How does the procedure of eyebrow threading look like?
Known from centuries, eyebrow threading has its origins in India. This cosmetic procedure focuses on removing unwanted hair with the aid of a twisted thread. What might be surprising, threading can be performed on various body parts, not only to perfect eyebrows.
What’s eyebrow threading?
It’s pretty hard to describe precisely how the procedure looks like because at first glimpse it seems like a highly complex technique of eyebrow shaping. In short, eyebrow threading depends on grabbing and plucking hairs out with the aid of a twisted thread.
What do you need to carry out eyebrow threading? First and foremost, you need a 8-inch/20-centimeter sewing thread. You have to tie the ends together to create a loop. You can also make use of a powder to mattify the skin of the brow ridges.
How to thread eyebrows?
Take the thread into your hands. Stretch it and place your thumbs and index fingers of both hands inside the loop. Then, try to twist the loop a few times to get an ‘X’ in the middle. This is how you create a kind of the infinity symbol. Now, play with the fingers to see how this ‘X’ moves from one side of the loop to another. Once you master this, you can start moving the ‘X’ on the eyebrows to grab the hairs and pluck them out together with the bulbs.
However, if you experience some problems with having control over the thread, try watching some eyebrow threading video tutorials. This should help you out.
The benefits of eyebrow threading
Find out why eyebrow threading is one of the best ways to remove unwanted hair from your brow ridges, especially for those with low pain tolerance.
– Eyebrow threading is less painful than wax hair removal or using tweezers.
– Thread removes hair with their bulbs, which has a long-term effect.
– As the only technique, eyebrow threading also removes tiny down.
– When regularly performed, eyebrow threading causes less hair to grow back.
– Perfect cosmetic procedure for those with sensitive skin; eyebrow threading doesn’t irritate.
– Eyebrow threading is 100% hygienic because the thread isn’t used more than once.
– Threading doesn’t require using any additional products, which means that it’s super cheap.
– You can remove hair from all body parts due to threading.
What thread to choose?
The ‘tool’ you use has a tremendous influence over you succeeding in eyebrow threading. Of course, you must also practice to master this technique, yet without the right thread, it might be fairly troublesome. What’s the best type of thread for eyebrow threading?
It’s a thin and strong cotton thread that you’re looking for. Apart from the quality, you must make sure that the threat won’t break during the procedure. Therefore, the material used is so important. 100% cotton thread won’t cause any irritations and is better tolerated by our skin.
Who is eyebrow threading for?
One of the biggest advantages of eyebrow threading is that it’s recommended to everyone. No matter if your eyebrows are thin or thick, if your skin is normal / sensitive or even acne, if you’re a woman or a man. Actually, there are no absolute contraindications to eyebrow threading.
The only situations when a person should resign from being given/performing this cosmetic procedure is when s/he suffers from skin infections, dermatitis and psoriasis.