Wrong shape of brows disturbs proportions of the face making it look unnatural and even ridiculous. How to give an amazing shape to your brows so that they are neither too bushy nor too skinny? Learn how to adjust it to the shape of your face. Eyebrow shaping isn’t that bad and you can get the hang of it!
Merely brushing through brows or applying makeup might be too little to make them look their best. The right shape is what matters the most for perfect eyebrows – it must go with your face shape so you need to find the ideal for you!
What does perfect eyebrow shape actually mean?
Is there one perfect model brow shape that everyone can use? Sure there isn’t. There’s no such thing as universal shape, size or width of eyebrows. Every face looks different: the distance of the eyes, width of the nose and face do differ. Eyebrows should be in harmony with the face. That is why when you use brow stencils your brow arches look weird and the entire face looks cartoonish.
All in all, fleek brows have a shape that goes along with your beauty type, or the facial features.
Makeup artists underline that apart from brow-shape-and-face-shape match, we must look at the distance of the eyes. By following a few simple rules, we can give brows the fleek shape.
Brow shape vs face shape
While brow mapping, remember the “rule of opposites” e.g. rounded face needs brows that slightly sharpen the features: let a triangle be your model shape, emphasize the highest point of brows and forget about round eyebrows.
On the other hand, if your face is triangle-shaped, you need to narrow down the forehead – you can achieve that by subtly lifting the end of brows.
When it comes to square-shaped face, you should focus on slenderizing the features so you can go for rounded brow arches.
Longs faces go with wide brow arches whose ends are a bit downward.
Apart from the face shape, your nose and eyes also matter while determining the shape and length of brows. Let us tell you how to mark out the start, middle and end of your brows following the nose-and-eye rule.
How to do brow mapping?
To do the mapping like a pro, all you need is a mirror and a stick (a thin makeup brush works). Now sit comfortably and mark the start, arch and end of eyebrows.
Start of brows: hold your brush from the corner of the nose through the inner corner of the eye (if your nostrils are very wide, move the brush slightly to the middle of the nose).
Arch, or the middle part of the brows – this is a very important element that you must remember if you want your brows to go with your face shape. It is the highest point of your brow line; don’t make it too sharp to avoid looking unnatural.
End of brows can be marked after holding the brush from the edge of nose through the outer corner of your eye. The brow end usually comprises 1/3 of the entire brow line. The tip must be the thinnest.
If eyebrow mapping sounds too complicated, ask a professional for help. Once mapped out, the shape of brows will be easy to keep – you’ll simply pluck unwanted hairs.
What are brow shape trends?
Brow shape fads come and go, and many girls try to follow them. Skinny, thin brows were wanted in the 80s and 90s. Thick bushy brows are the coveted goal of all girls and women these days. Despite all trends and fads, you are the choice maker so get the brows that make you look your best.
How to change your brow shape?
If you’ve been plucking your brows all wrong for months or years, and their shape doesn’t suit your face features, you probably feel like regrowing them and redefining their shape, right? What if your brows don’t want to grow back? Try products that are designed for accelerating faster regrowth and making brows thicker. Get the best eyebrow serum and use it every day for a few weeks – the effect is guaranteed!